
Governments, funders and civil society now ask non-profit organisations – and soon for-profit organisations as wellto account for their real capacity to generate change, to be accountable, in a rigorous and transparent manner.

The Reform of the Third Sector has focused on the value of the Social Report and the Impact Assessment generated as the ‘ideal container’ of the account of the actions implemented and results achieved.

But it is both incumbent and necessary within organisations to highlight the great work carried out each year and share it as a common asset in order to recapture its meaning, motivate for the future and trigger virtuous processes for learning and continuous improvement.

The Mapping Change team dedicated to this project area draws on many years of know-how in order to achieve multiple goals together with organisations through a time-tested path, between maieutics and guidance, that includes a series of verification and alignment meetings at all stages of the work.


  • Designing the conceptual and value structure of the Social Report.
  • Defining the table of contents.
  • Detailed list of subject areas, activities, results and related indicators (with reference, where possible, to nationally or internationally recognised indicators).
  • Planning responsibilities, outputs and deadlines.
  • Training and coordination of the team tasked internally with collecting the contents.
  • Identifying external stakeholders who will integrate the data to be reported and collecting their contributions in a structured manner.
  • Reworking the content maximising its presentation (copywriting, graphics/infographics and lay out).
  • Defining a multi-channel communication plan (website, social networks, events, newsletter, podcast, DEM, etc.) to fully capitalise on the Social Report in the following months and develop the supporting tools.


  • Co-design
  • Capacity building
  • Project management
  • Copywriting ed editing
  • Art direction

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