Who I am
Christian Elevati
I guide organisations in the creation and development of social value, working at management level, on processes, as well as the relational level, supporting different levels of leadership and focusing on the people who will have to drive change.
I believe it is essential to respect and value the organisations I collaborate with: their history, their identity and their complexity represent the fundamental basis on which to unleash potential and build innovation.
I apply change management strategies and the typical methodologies of the Theory of Change to strategic planning and territorial co-design.
I support the development of impact management & evaluation methodologies focused on the continuous improvement of people and results.
With over 26 years of professional experience in participatory and social inclusion processes, I have been responsible for programme and project management, advocacy, evaluation, design, funding, networking and institutional relations, in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors.
I learned very early on, including through the mistakes I made, how much these areas are interrelated.
I place my experience at the service of organisations in order to help them, in a very practical way, to achieve specific growth objectives, without losing sight of the overall strategic vision.

What others say about me
Guglielmo Micucci
Chief Executive of Amref Health Africa Onlus
We have had the pleasure of collaborating with and being supported by Christian Elevati in the delicate and complex process of preparing the Strategic Plans of Amref Health Africa Onlus in Italy for 2018-2020.
During the consultancy, which started in July 2017 and ended in December 2017, Christian supported all the stakeholders involved in the process (Senior Management Team, CD, Amref staff transversal working groups), facilitating the emergence, analysis, definition and synthesis of the organisation’s three-year strategic plans, starting with the strategic document.
By applying the Theory of Change method, he supported the senior management team in the process of focusing on the Vision, Mission and strategic objectives and then, at the various stages, guided all the actors involved in preparing the three-year strategic plans and related indicators, as well as the monitoring and evaluation system.
Christian Elevati demonstrated a great capacity for analysing needs and refining them with a view to focusing the group’s energies on identifying priorities, actions and indicators. He also facilitated groups expertly, helping staff to overcome resistance and any moments of disagreement.
It has been very rewarding for us to be able to work and engage with a professional and a person like Christian Elevati, and we would not hesitate to work with him again in the future on any new strategic paths.
Gianfranco Arnoletti
Chair of CIFA Onlus
We had the pleasure of working with Christian Elevati in 2018 when he accompanied CIFA through an important transition and reorganisation process over several months that year.
Christian Elevati facilitated, using the Theory of Change (ToC) methodology, a reworking and strategic planning of our organisation, starting by enhancing the growth path that had begun a few months earlier.
The consultant therefore effectively used models and tools based on methodologies and approaches typical of ToC, enabling CIFA to identify new priorities, update the mapping of its stakeholders, identify the areas of organisational change needed, detail the main medium- and short-term outcomes (on an annual basis) needed in order to generate the desired impact, including in terms of the necessary organisational change, and accompany the organisation in defining the guidelines for a system to monitor and evaluate the desired results.
Christian Elevati’s approach is marked by a keen ability to listen to the needs of the organisations he works with, to analyse and identify priorities, optimise the organisation’s resources and analyse the steps required in order to achieve the results of the strategic review process. We also greatly appreciated Christian’s expertise in managing work teams.
The path we have journeyed together has been fruitful and a great motivator for CIFA, enabling us to achieve the results we hoped for.
Marta Moretti
Consorzio Comunità Brianza
Last year, we engaged Christian Elevati for both the co-design in response to the INNOVATION FUND of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, and as a coach in a focus group at our Consoritium’s Re-Generations Convention on the subject of social impact generation. Let’s just say that we won’t be doing without him ever again.
Christian is a professional from every perspective: he knows how to focus on the needs of an organisation in order to respond to them in a targeted and effective manner and he has in-depth knowledge of social innovation, the theory of change and impact assessment, all essential subjects if you want to be competitive as non-profit organisations.
As both co-design expert and coach he ‘spares no effort’: drafting of complex and networked projects, high quality content, effective methodologies, engagement of participants.
Stefano Ciafani
Chair of Legambiente
It was a titanic undertaking but we succeeded. Recounting and summarising the thousands of activities carried out by our organisation is a daunting exercise.
The multitude of campaigns and initiatives has always been one of the identifying features of Legambiente, making it stand out among all Italian associations.
With this Social Report, prepared by a large internal team led by our Vice Director Senera Carpentieri, who was able to draw on the expertise of Christian Elevati and his staff, we think we have succeeded.
This publication draws together the orderly chaos of national and local actions that move in the same direction and that make this ‘movement of citizens organised in associative form’, founded in 1980, unique still today.
Stefano Piziali
Head of Advocacy & Italian Programs Dept. in WeWorld
I am the Head of Advocacy & Italian Programs Dept. in WeWorld. I was the supervisor of Christian Elevati from March 2013 till October 2014.
As Global Citizen Education Specialist, in WeWorld Foundation Christian Elevati demonstrated strong skills in designing, managing and coordinating people of very different culture, interests and approaches, in complex contexts with limited resources, both at national and international level.
He has also proven competence in networking and institutional relations, financial planning, reporting, evaluation, funding, training and promotion of participatory processes. He dedicated special attention to a continuous improvement of his competences.
Giosuè de Salvo
Head of Advocacy and Campaigning at Mani Tese Ngo
His interpersonal skills have been crucial to manage relationship with a wide range of partners, generating a great atmosphere of trust and collaboration.
Beside this, Christian has showed an unusual competence in issues related to socio-economic development and Global Education (both programme wise and advocacy wise).
I feel confident in recommending Christian Elevati: he is not only a great professional, but he is very easy to work with.
Pierino Martinelli
Chief Executive Officer Fondazione Fontana
During the last year we contacted Christian Elevati for his expertise in designing, managing and evaluating programs and projects for Human Rights promotion, both at international and national level, with particular reference to the Right to Education and the Right to Food.
Christian has always proved a collaborative commitment, dealing with the stages of the Trento Charter participatory review, with open mind and proactivity.
His willingness to find common solutions and his great expertise in writing policy papers complete his profile.
For this reason i would like to recommend Christian Elevati for similar activities and I’m ready to provide additional information if required.